Da Nang, Vietnam
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- 100.0
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- 81.3
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- 100.0
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Famous Cities in Vietnam
Country Information
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Native Names: Việt Nam
Capital: Hanoi
Population: 97338583
Gini Score: 2018: 35.7
Region: Asia
Continent: AS
Borders: KHM, CHN, LAO,
Sub Region: South-Eastern Asia
Lat/Long: 16.16666666, 107.83333333
Timezones: UTC+07:00,
No Holidays for this location (yet)!
ara: فيتنام, ces: Vietnam, cym: Vietnam, deu: Vietnam, est: Vietnam, fin: Vietnam, fra: Viêt Nam, hrv: Vijetnam, hun: Vietnám, ita: Vietnam, jpn: ベトナム, kor: 베트남, nld: Vietnam, per: ویتنام, pol: Wietnam, por: Vietname, rus: Вьетнам, slk: Vietnam, spa: Vietnam, swe: Vietnam, urd: ویتنام, zho: 越南,