Cost of living in Canggu Bali
Discover Canggu, Bali: a haven for expats and tourists with beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and a laid-back vibe, offering varied living costs.
Canggu, Indonesia
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Discover Canggu, Bali: a haven for expats and tourists with beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and a laid-back vibe, offering varied living costs.
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Country Information
Native Names: Indonesia
Capital: Jakarta
Population: 273523621
Gini Score: 2019: 38.2
Region: Asia
Continent: AS
Borders: TLS, MYS, PNG,
Sub Region: South-Eastern Asia
Lat/Long: -5, 120
Timezones: UTC+07:00, UTC+08:00, UTC+09:00,
No Holidays for this location (yet)!
ara: إندونيسيا, ces: Indonésie, cym: Indonesia, deu: Indonesien, est: Indoneesia, fin: Indonesia, fra: Indonésie, hrv: Indonezija, hun: Indonézia, ita: Indonesia, jpn: インドネシア, kor: 인도네시아, nld: Indonesië, per: اندونزی, pol: Indonezja, por: Indonésia, rus: Индонезия, slk: Indonézia, spa: Indonesia, swe: Indonesien, urd: انڈونیشیا, zho: 印度尼西亚,