Bucharest — Cost of Living
Discover Bucharest's living costs: A city of rich history and growing development, offering affordability compared to major European cities. Expense breakdown included.
Bucharest, Romania
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Discover Bucharest's living costs: A city of rich history and growing development, offering affordability compared to major European cities. Expense breakdown included.
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Country Information
Native Names: România
Capital: Bucharest
Population: 19286123
Gini Score: 2018: 35.8
Region: Europe
Continent: EU
Borders: BGR, HUN, MDA, SRB, UKR,
Sub Region: Southeast Europe
Lat/Long: 46, 25
Timezones: UTC+02:00,
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ara: رومانيا, ces: Rumunsko, cym: Romania, deu: Rumänien, est: Rumeenia, fin: Romania, fra: Roumanie, hrv: Rumunjska, hun: Románia, ita: Romania, jpn: ルーマニア, kor: 루마니아, nld: Roemenië, per: رومانی, pol: Rumunia, por: Roménia, rus: Румыния, slk: Rumunsko, spa: Rumania, swe: Rumänien, urd: رومانیہ, zho: 罗马尼亚,